About Us

Preventing real-world violence against Jews by stopping it online

Why Online Antisemitism?

At FOA, our mission is to prevent real-world violence against Jews by addressing it at its online roots.

In 2018, Robert Bowers walked into Shabbat morning services at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and murdered 11 Jews. Before his rampage, Bowers posted a hate-filled rant on Gab. He wrote “Jews are the children of Satan” and that he wanted all of them to die.

In 2020, antisemitic attacks against Jews increased as well as calls that Jews invented Covid19.

Impact: Over 10,000 volunteer hours logged, with 5,000 program participants from countries including Israel, Brazil, the US, Canada, Switzerland, Belarus, and the UK.

What we Do

By leveraging the power of global volunteers and utilizing a unique AI system, FOA has been able to monitor, report, and remove significant amounts of antisemitic content from various social media platforms, thus preventing real-world violence against Jews.

Monitor and Remove Antisemitic Content
  • Manual Monitoring: Our global network of volunteers monitors and reports antisemitic content on their own social accounts, in over 10 languages.
  • Enhanced AI  Monitoring: Our proprietary AI-driven system identifies and categorizes antisemitic posts using targeted keywords and hashtags in multiple languages.
  • Impact: We remove posts, deactivate groups, and ban accounts that violate social media guidelines.
Lead Educational Programs
  • Training Workshops: We offer workshops and online bootcamps to teach individuals how to identify and effectively report antisemitic content on social media.
  • Academic Partnerships: Collaborating with 12 universities and 50 high schools in Israel to provide volunteer scholarships and academic credit. We also do in-person training sessions for Israeli students on how to combat antisemitism online. 
  • Impact: Over 7,000 volunteer hours logged, with 5,000 program participants from countries including Israel, Brazil, the US, Canada, Switzerland, Belarus, and the UK.
Monitor Terror Groups
  • Cyber Team: Dedicated team specialized in social media behavior that tracks and analyzes content related to terrorism and violence.lized in social media behavior.
  • Impact: Successfully penetrated 30 terror groups on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, preventing terrorist activity
Change Social Network Decisions and Policies
  • Policy Advocacy: We work closely with social networks to remove harmful content and advocate for hate speech policy updates
    • Trusted Flagger Status: Our priority status ensures antisemitic content we report is reviewed and removed swiftly, and we can appeal decisions that incorrectly allow such posts to stay online
    • Account Recovery: We help restore accounts unfairly deactivated due to false reports
    • Driving Policy Changes: We push for policy reforms by providing social networks with data and actionable insights on antisemitic trends
  • Impact
    • Played a key role in Meta’s decision to include “Zionist” as a racial slur in its hate speech policy and currently working on policy changes related to the phrase “from the river to the sea.”
    • Assisted in retrieving and reactivating influencer accounts that were wrongfully banned
Develop an AI System
  • Functionality: Our AI system collects and categorizes antisemitic content using advanced algorithms and data from both AI and human sources.
  • Continuous Improvement: The system learns from volunteer feedback to enhance accuracy and adapt to new trends and antisemitic keywords.

FOA's AI Monitoring Solution

Learn more about FOA's innovation

Our Founder

Tomer Aldubi

Founder and Executive Director

Tomer Aldubi founded FOA in 2020 to tackle the growing issue of online antisemitism. As the grandchild of a Holocaust survivor, Tomer understands the dangers of hate and the real-world impact of the incitement of violence. Before starting FOA, he led “Israeli Students Combating Antisemitism,” a program supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Union of Israeli Students.

As the Founder and Executive Director of FOA, Tomer is also a prominent lecturer focusing on educational programming about cyberhate and antisemitism. His expertise covers modern antisemitism, the dark side of social media, and trends in online hate.

Before You Leave...

Support Fighting Online Antisemitism

Your support goes a long way in making a difference and expanding our efforts to combat online antisemitism.

Your donation helps us:

  • Find and train volunteers to effectively report antisemitic content on social media
  • Support the development of our AI system and cloud infrastructure
  • Provide Online Activist Bootcamps to global communities in more languages

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