FOA’s Achievements to Date

Check out what we’ve been up to

FOA in Numbers


Educational Program Participants


Volunteer Hours Logged


Antisemitic Posts Reported

0 %

Average Content Removal Rate in 2023

Our Impact

Catalyst in getting Meta to include “Zionist” as a racial slur in their hate speech policy

Opened a branch in France so that we can operate via the European Union and have more impact removing online antisemitism across Europe

We’re a “Trusted Flagger” on 8 leading social networks, building a close relationship with them in order to prioritize removal of antisemitic content

Trained 5,000+ educational program participants across Israel, Brazil, US, Canada, Switzerland, Belarus, UK, Australia

Conducted 200+ workshops and educational programs in English, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and _____ (5 languages)

Reached a 40% average content removal rate on 4 leading social networks at the end of 2023

Reported 100,000+ antisemitic posts on 10 social networks and in 10 languages

FOA has trained the highest number of activists in Israel to monitor and report antisemitic content on social networks

Partnered with 12 universities and 50 high schools in Israel

Trained global volunteers who have logged a total of 7,000 volunteer hours

Only Israeli NGO to become a member of the International Network Against Cyber Hate, which leads the European Commission in tracking and reporting hate content on social media

During the Covid19 pandemic FOA was instrumental in identifying online antisemitic trends and removing social media content with antisemitic tropes

Before You Leave...

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Your support goes a long way in making a difference and expanding our efforts to combat online antisemitism.

Your donation helps us:

  • Find and train volunteers to effectively report antisemitic content on social media
  • Support the development of our AI system and cloud infrastructure
  • Provide Online Activist Bootcamps to global communities in more languages

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