Support Fighting Online Antisemitism
Donate Now to Support Us
Your donation to FOA supports the removal of antisemitic content from major social networks, advances development of our tech tools for monitoring hate, funds scholarships for teenagers and university students, and educates the next generation on how to combat online antisemitism.
Ways to Donate
For donations from Australia, click here.
For donations from Canada, click here.
For donations from the UK/US, click here.
To donate by check, please contact us: [email protected]
Make your contribution payable to "Fighting Online Antisemitism."
Optionally, please include a brief note mentioning any specific instructions for the donation.
If your donation is made in honor or in memory of someone, please include additional acknowledgment information.
For those who prefer to donate via wire transfer, please contact us at [email protected] for further details. Please include in the subject line "Wire Transfer" and we will promptly follow up with any necessary information.
Wire Transfer Details
- Fighting Online Antisemitism, Marcantile Discount Bank LTD, Ramat Gan, Branch: 663, Account Number: 0095419871 (Shekels)
- Donations in Shekels: IL81017663000095419871
- Donations in Euros: IL16 0176 6300 0009 6034 469
- Donations in Pound Sterling: IL76 0176 6300 0009 6436 036
- Donations in Dollars: IL44 0176 6300 0009 6034 450
Your contribution Fighting Online Antisemitism helps us expand our educational programs, advance development of our unique AI system, and increase monitoring and reporting of antisemitic content.
Your donation will help us:
- Find and train Volunteers on how to effectively report antisemitic content on social media
- Support cloud infrastructure and development to improve our AI system
- Provide our Online Activist Bootcamps to global communities in more languages
Yes! Fighting Online Antisemitism is made possible with the help of our partners. You can sponsor FOA in two ways:
- A general commitment to support the operation and expansion of our AI system and free online educational programs (use the donation form above), OR
- Sponsor to support a specific FOA initiative or program. Please contact us for more information.
Yes, if you would like to donate via check please send to: [mailing address]
Yes, you will receive a tax refund by donating on the Giving Back Fund via the GiveLively website.
(The GIVING GROUP COMMUNITY is a fiscally sponsored project of The Giving Back Fund, an IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity. EIN 04-3367888).
Please send a personal check or money order made payable to FOA to: [ address]
If you would like to contribute to a specific campaign, please note the name of the office in the memo of your gift.