

Combating Antisemitism Online Workshops

Fighting Online Antisemitism offers a variety of unique lectures and workshops for teenagers and young adults from middle school to high school. These explore various aspects of cyberhate and online antisemitism on a variety of social media platforms. We aim to raise awareness of these topics, provide participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to better understand cyberhate, and the tools to effectively combat it.

Among our workshops and lecture:

  • The “dark” side of social media – Theoretical training:
    The influence of current events on online antisemitism; A comparison between delegitimization of Israel and objective criticism of Israel; The border between freedom of expression/speech and offensive content and the connection to fake news and conspiracy theories.
  • How can we Successfully Remove Antisemitic Content from Social Media? Practical Workshop:
    Searching for content on the most popular social media platforms using keywords/terms, the social networks’ policy regarding antisemitic content, and reporting antisemitic content to the networks (TikTok, Instagram, etc.). If relevant to the group (experienced/advanced), this workshop can also include advanced information about Telegram, alongside cyber and advanced monitoring techniques.
  • What are Social Media Platforms Really Doing to Reduce Antisemitism?
    The connection between social networks’ policy regarding hate speech and the fight against antisemitism and antisemitic content, IHRA’s working definition of ‘Antisemitism’; A review of antisemitic content in various countries and across languages; A comparison between past and present manifestations of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment; Why won’t the social networks remove content that calls for the destruction of Israel?
  • Antisemitism – What is it? When/why did it start? How did it evolve?
    An easy-to-understand historical overview and analysis of the roots and manifestations of antisemitism + contemporary online antisemitism (discussion and examples).
  • Where is Antisemitism Headed in the United States of America?
    The waves of hatred and the violent events that plague the Jewish communities in America, a discussion of current events and their influence on the rise of antisemitism in the US.
  • Social Networks Workshops:
    Tiktok Workshop: Israeli propaganda and antisemitism on TikTok, creating viral content meant to promote positive discourse online. How to stand in front of an audience/camera? How to manage an account on social media?
    LinkedIn Workshop:
    Antisemitism on LinkedIn. How can teenagers (16 and up) benefit from LinkedIn already at a young age and give themselves a professional advantage? When should they even start? This workshop is delivered by Avi Tsadaka – Senior Linkedin Expert.
  • Bring the Humans of the Holocaust to Your Community

    There are two lectures available in person or on Zoom:
    ‘Changing the way we Talk About the Holocaust’ is appropriate for all ages and uses visual storytelling as a powerful tool to spark curiosity and empathy. By telling the story of the Holocaust through the deeply affecting medium of photography, students are able to relate to and internalize the individual, human stories of the Holocaust with an eye-opening discussion about the power of digital storytelling and the powerful truths it can convey as we remember and humanize the past – for better future.
    ‘The Holocaust and I – the Moral Questions we Should all Adress’
     is designed expressly for teens and explores the moral questions and choices that Holocaust survivors had to deal with on a daily basis and how those are still relevant today. Through the stories of the survivors, we explore issues like human rights, antisemitism, democracy, Holocaust remembrance and even ideas about revenge and the power of forgiveness.

Report Hateful Content on Social Media