List of Shame: Most popular antisemitic hashtags

A new report by the Fighting Online Antisemitism organization (FOA) reviews antisemitic hashtags posted on social media in 2021.

“Hitler was right”, “Holocaust was right” and “Gas the Jews” are a few of these vile labels. And what had social media networks been doing to prevent this phenomenon?

In preparation for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th, and as part of its annual activity summary for 2021, the FOA presents a new report which examines the most popular antisemitic hashtags posted on social media this last year by thousands of users worldwide, with total occurrences of 188 million. The positive change is that few of the social media networks have started removing the content of hashtags that were defined as antisemitic and preventing the possibility of searching them.

Among these upsetting hashtags, found to be popular by this report, are expressions such as “Hitler was right”, “Gas the Jews”, “Fake Jew”, “Holocaust was right”, “I hate Jews”, “Jews are terrorists”, “Kill Jews” and more. A list of these popular hashtags is provided at the end of this article.

During the last year, social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Youtube have changed their policy towards these kind of hashtags and begun to remove the content of hashtags defined by them as antisemitic. In addition, they blocked the option of searching them. However, according to FOA, users can still post content with these hashtags, despite the fact of them being opposed to the policy of said social media networks on hate content and holocaust denial.

“It is well obvious that online hatred is intensifying, and therefore should be eradicated immediately” warns online monitoring manager at FOA, Barak Aharon. “As we have seen during Guardian of the Walls Operation, and on previous occasions, this virtual content, that propagates on various social media networks, brings to an uprising in antisemitic dialog, and physical violence against Jews worldwide. The popular hashtags mentioned in this report must come to an end, the sooner the better. We call social media networks to eliminate this phenomenon and to block users posting them”.

The FOA is an Israeli organization that monitors and reports antisemitic and racial content in cyberspace. It is one of few organizations worldwide that reports such content on a daily and hourly basis, in many languages, and on a variety of social media networks.

List of the most popular antisemitic hashtags:

  • #deathtoallkikes
  • #gasthejews
  • #Hitler_was_not_wrong
  • #hitlerdidgood
  • #Hitler_was_right
  • #hitlerdidnothingwrong
  • #hitlerwasright
  • #hitlerthegreat
  • #holocaust_was_right
  • #holocaustwasright
  • #Holofaux
  • #HoloFraud
  • #holohoax
  • #ifiwereanazi
  • #ihatejews
  • #jewsAreTerrorist
  • #jewsarethiefs
  • #killjews
  • #6MiLiars

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