תמונת רקע עמוד פרסומים

Report Hate

ERASMUS+ “Report Hate” Project: Empowering Youth Against Online Hate

FOA is proud to participate in the ERASMUS+ “Report Hate” project, a major international initiative funded by the European Union. This project brings together youth organizations from Israel, North Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, and Slovakia with a shared mission: to empower young people, aged 14 to 27, to become active agents against online hate speech.

Why Report Hate?

Hate speech and conspiracy narratives pose significant threats to democratic cohesion in Europe. Combatting these issues requires a holistic and transnational approach. The Youth Foundation’s project aims to develop a transnational reporting system against hate speech, establish national and transnational support structures, and create standardized reporting categories to ensure data comparability. This will enable us to analyze and address hate speech more effectively across different countries.

Standardized Reporting System

FOA’s Director of Monitoring, Barak Aharon, is leading the development of a standardized reporting system with clear categories. This system will allow for consistent analysis of hate speech across all participating countries, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of the problem.


Report Hateful Content on Social Media