Report Antisemitic Content on Social Media

Did you encounter an antisemitic post on social media? Report the post to us here and we will review and flag it with the major social networks.
What kind of content SHOULD be reported?

FOA gathers and reports content according to social network guidelines. These platforms define hate speech as direct attacks on individuals based on protected characteristics, encompassing violence, dehumanizing language, harmful stereotypes, statements of inferiority, expressions of contempt, and calls for exclusion or segregation.

Regarding antisemitism, protected characteristics refer to religious affiliation, specifically targeting content that is discriminatory towards Jews. Therefore, please report the following content in such cases:

  • Classic Antisemitism / Antisemitic conspiracy theory 
  • Incitement / Glorification of violence 
  • Holocaust Denial / Holocaust Related Hate Speech 

Additionally, please report any content that promotes terrorism, even if there is no explicit mention of Jews.

What kind of content SHOULD NOT be reported?

Content that should NOT be reported: 

  • Content against the State of Israel (as an official entity, it is not considered hate speech)
  • Fake or false information (our experience shows that this type of content is least likely to be removed)

Typically, such content does not violate social media community guidelines.

However, if you believe the content is particularly severe, please report it here for us review.

Why is it important to report content?

In today's online sphere, social media is overflowing with false information, lies, and content designed to incite hate, fear, and violence. Reporting hateful antisemitic content is an effective way to stop the spread of online antisemitism, and fear. By doing this we also prevent hostile groups from using hate speech content to disrupt public opinion and influence decision makers. 

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