Suspicion: Telegram is used by an international group to raise cash for hostile activity

Over the past two months, the organization “Fighting Online Antisemitism Organization (FOA)” investigated unusual activity on Telegram. Content on the website raised suspicions that it was part of a worldwide fundraising effort for the Palestinian Authority, which supports demonstrations and hostile activity in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Thousands of bitcoin wallets worldwide were being used to provide funds to the Aman Palestine Bernhard Organization located in Malaysia, with branches in Iran, Gaza, and Ramallah. In the most recent campaign, more than half a million shekels were raised. According to the organization’s website, the money was to support demonstrations for the liberation of Jerusalem such as transit to the demonstrations, and the provision of equipment and weapons for the protests. “Using advanced OSINT methods, we have learned that this organization allegedly raises significant amounts of money for humanitarian relief,” says Jonathan Dublin, a member of FOA’s cyber team.

The investigation revealed office addresses, bank accounts, digital wallets, and statements from the group’s leaders that indicated the funds were being used for the “liberation of Palestine.” Demonstrations are an important democratic tool but not to hurt innocent citizens and maybe other terrorist groups operating in Israel.

FOA teaches hundreds of volunteers from all over the world, with an emphasis on educating the younger generation. FOA provides tools to deal with racism, bullying, fake news, conspiracy, and antisemitism on social media and the internet.

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