Volunteer Spotlight

What inspired you to volunteer with FOA?

My SHAHAK program requires me to volunteer. The moment I saw FOA was an option, I knew I’d love to help them with their mission. Like many young adults, I spend a lot of time on social media, and so I am very aware of the rise of antisemitism – even before Oct. 7th.

How concerned are you about online antisemitism?

I really believe online antisemitism is one of the biggest issues Jews face today—right up there with war and terrorism. I’ve seen over and over how hate online turns into real-life harassment and violence. And honestly, I know firsthand how harmful antisemitism can be. Even though I’m not super active on social media (I hardly ever post), I constantly see Jews being casually bullied and mocked online—it’s everywhere.

Can you tell us a bit about your role at FOA?

I help with research and writing for this newsletter, as well as content reporting on Twitter/X. Sometimes, I help new volunteers orient themselves and use the reporting platform.

What do you enjoy most about volunteering with FOA?

Even though I get a lot of “After reviewing the available information, we found that @username hasn’t broken our rules,” I know my efforts aren’t in vain. Every deleted post or suspended account feels like a win—like I’m protecting others from harmful influence. Honestly, reporting content can even be fun—it’s like hunting down the bad guys! I also love writing for this newsletter and getting to practice my journalistic skills. And of course, the FOA team is amazing—so supportive and welcoming!

Has anything you’ve learned about online antisemitism surprised you?

This didn’t really surprise me, but reporting content has shown me that a lot of hate comes from ignorance, not pure malice. In a way, that actually restored my faith in humanity—most people aren’t evil, just uninformed.

What are your hopes for the future in the fight against online antisemitism?

I realize that it will never be fully successful, but I hope more people learn and let go of their hate. And if our work at FOA—and in other similar organizations—can help protect even a few people from harassment, both online and in real life, then it’s all worth it.

Editor’s note: Faina is truly dedicated, dividing her free time between monitoring antisemitic content and contributing to our newsletter. We’re incredibly lucky to have her on our team!

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