תמונת רקע עמוד פרסומים

Social Media as a Weapon

A Look at Islamic Regime Digital Tactics in the Israeli-Arab Conflict

Social media has transformed the way information is shared and consumed globally, significantly impacting societal dynamics, political discourse, and international relations. Its wide reach and the ability to communicate in real-time have made it a powerful tool for influencing public opinion and mobilizing social movements. However, the same characteristics that make social media a force for good also make it susceptible to misuse, such as the dissemination of misinformation, hate speech, and propaganda.

In the context of the Israeli-Arab conflict social media plays a particularly complex role. It serves as a platform for both sides to present their narratives and enlist support. Activists and state actors alike use social media to raise awareness, organize protests, and rally global attention. Yet, this digital arena also becomes fertile ground where misinformation flourishes and raises tensions.

Iran has leveraged this digital landscape to advance its own geopolitical agenda. The Islamic Republic employs sophisticated cyber tactics to spread anti-Israeli and antisemitic propaganda through social media, manipulating international opinion and causing division.


A few examples of this manipulation are:


Creation of Fake Profiles and Bots

Iran creates fake profiles and bots that mimic real users from various regions, especially the West, to propagate its narratives.


Operations Through Proxies

Iran operates through proxies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, which amplify these efforts, further extending its reach and impact. All of these actors maintain a consistent and unified communication strategy, evident in their use of communications as a means of warfare. Messages are tightly controlled with a clear, unwavering message that supports their agenda. There are no dissenting voices or political commentators within their ranks to oppose the regime’s message.


Content Creation and Widespread Dissemination

Strong caricatures, comics, and visual content are employed, disseminated by civilians who create social media accounts to help spread the information. This dissemination is supported by printed materials like stickers and flyers, which have proven to be very effective.


Distribution of False Information

Accounts like these often distribute misleading information, including conspiracy theories and false facts that portray Israel as the sole aggressor in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They also use popular hashtags and memes to ensure wider reach and sometimes trigger viral trends that promote political agendas.



Beyond the use of propaganda, Iran’s cyber units, sometimes acting through these proxies, engage in direct cyberattacks against Israeli or Jewish websites, sabotaging them or disrupting them to spread fear.



This comprehensive approach not only contributes to anti-Israeli sentiments and antisemitism but also presents a significant threat to global efforts to maintain  credibility in the digital sphere.

Iran’s use of bot farms and paid users is well-documented in various reports and research conducted by cybersecurity experts and intelligence agencies. For example, a FireEye report from August 2018 details a complex Iranian influence operation that leverages a network of inauthentic news sites and social media to target audiences in the U.S., UK, Latin America, and the Middle East, spreading state propaganda through fake accounts.

A 2018 Reuters investigation exposed a Tehran-based operation known as “The Iranian Factory That Makes Fake News,” which produces articles and social media posts to influence public opinion internationally . Additional research from institutions like the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab highlights how Iran uses cyber proxies and bots to manipulate global narratives and influence political discussions.


This calls for the need for vigilant monitoring and regulation of social media platforms to mitigate the risks of misinformation and promote a more informed and peaceful global discourse.


The digital age demands a high level of media literacy and a proactive approach to consuming and sharing information on social media. Responsible reporting and social media education are crucial to combating the spread of misinformation and hate speech.


Users, influencers, and journalists alike must prioritize accuracy over speed and verify information before dissemination. Social media platforms must enforce their policies consistently and transparently to ensure harmful content does not undermine social order or distort public discourse. They should closely  monitor the content and enhance their reporting methods. Ultimately, fostering a culture of critical thinking and empathy online can empower individuals to contribute positively to discussions, particularly in sensitive geopolitical contexts like the Israeli-Arab conflict. Creating a safe, informed online community where truth and constructive dialogue are valued over divisiveness and falsehood can be accomplished by promoting responsible online behavior.


Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA) actively addresses the growing issue of digital warfare. As a front-line organization against online antisemitism, FOA employs a holistic approach that integrates the monitoring and removal of antisemitic content, educational initiatives, international cooperation, advocacy efforts, and the deployment of advanced technology. This includes tackling violent, false, and hateful messages that violate social network community guidelines.


FOA collaborates closely inside Israel and globally with Israeli academic institutions, municipalities, international NGOs, and other initiatives. In-depth online training programs equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively identify, report, and eliminate antisemitic and anti-Israeli content, as well as misinformation and terrorist narratives. By combining these efforts, FOA is not just reacting to incidents of cyber hate but is proactively creating a more informed and resilient online community.



Report Hateful Content on Social Media