What we do

Antisemitism has been a constant, long-lasting feature of human history. With the rise in popularity and internet accessibility, antisemites took to social media to express their hateful views. Shielded by anonymity, and as social media platforms have not adopted the IHRA’s working definition of antisemitism, the spread of misinformation and hateful messages on social media proliferated.
Antisemitic and malicious content, including conspiracy theories, racial slurs, content promoting violence against Jews and Holocaust denial, surged against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, and during the latest outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. While Covid-related lockdowns decreased the number of physical antisemitic incidents, virtual antisemitic activity on social networks soared.

FOA operates in three main fields:

1. Educational seminars and workshops:

FOA offers educational training programs, workshops, and lectures that explore various aspects of cyber hate, antisemitism, and Holocaust denial/distortion. The organization also offers educational webinars open to the general public at no cost. Authorized by the Israeli Ministry of Education, Israeli high school pupils and students from various academic institutions receive academic credit for volunteering for FOA. A unique online education program is offered by FOA entitled “REACH: Remove and Eradicate Antisemitism & Cyber Hate.” As part of this program, international networks are built, communities are formed, and awareness regarding online antisemitism is raised. With participants from diverse backgrounds, the program promotes partnerships between Jews and other religious groups. These educational activities are conducted both online and offline and are tailored to specific groups, including pupils, teens, college students, and senior citizens.

2. Monitoring and reporting antisemitic content on social media platforms:

FOA monitors antisemitic content (based on the IHRA’s working definition of antisemitism) in multiple languages on ten leading social networks. Any antisemitic content found is added to a dynamic database, which is used to research antisemitic trends and the removal rates of relevant content across social networks. FOA is an official Trusted Flagger on platforms such as TikTok, Meta, and Google; when antisemitic content is not removed in response, we contact the social media administrators directly to take action. The organization also encourages social networks to upgrade their hate speech policies to prevent the posting and circulation of antisemitic content.

3. Developing AI Tools:

FOA uses innovative technological tools to improve the monitoring process of removing antisemitic content (including Holocaust denial). These tools monitor content based on specific keywords and hashtags in various languages. It is FOA’s firm belief that removing antisemitic content from cyberspace helps to reduce offline antisemitism as well. The organization is committed to combating cyber hate, supporting Holocaust commemoration, and promoting diversity, equality, and tolerance. These goals are shared by many who wish to create a better world for not only Jews, but for all of humanity.


Report Hateful Content on Social Media